ESU is a new unit of measurement for speed that is designed to be more intuitive and user-friendly than traditional units. It is based on the speed of a car traveling at 100 km/h on a level road on the Earth’s surface.

Converting from km/h to ESU

To convert a speed from km/h to ESU, you can use the following formula:
ESU = (speed in km/h / 100 km/h) * 1 ESU
For example, to convert 70 km/h to ESU, we would plug in the numbers:
ESU = (70 km/h / 100 km/h) * 1 ESU
ESU = 0.7 ESU
Therefore, 70 km/h is equal to 0.7 ESU.

Converting from ESU to km/h

To convert a speed from ESU to km/h, you can use the following formula:
speed in km/h = ESU * (100 km/h / 1 ESU)
For example, to convert 2 ESU to km/h, we would plug in the numbers:
speed in km/h = 2 ESU * (100 km/h / 1 ESU)
speed in km/h = 200 km/h

Therefore, 2 ESU is equal to 200 km/h.


ESU is a new unit of measurement for speed that is designed to be more user-friendly and intuitive than traditional units. It is based on the speed of a car traveling at 100 km/h on a level road on the Earth’s surface. Converting between ESU and km/h is simple using the provided formulas.