I have prepared a list of applications that I use on my iPhone; the following list does not include all applications I’m using, but only those which can seem to be interesting for some of you.

Very long-awaited iPhone app is Firefox, which is mostly valuable for its quick and easy synchronizing of browsing history, so I can continue my work on smartphone.

Easy and intuitive way to receive and send e-mails. That project has been already interesting as it was in the testing phase. I was so excited when I got an invitation to become a beta tester!

I think it’s the only application that hasn’t disappointed me in video calls; I can talk for long hours without any problems.
Tweetbot 4

One of the best applications for Twitter. After several years they’ve even released new version for the iPad. I’d say that this application is worth the money you have to spend on it.

For the last several months I’ve managed to persuade most of my friends to use Telegram. This app is simple, quick, grows up rapidly and seems to be safe.

I use Softphone for few years, it hasn’t ever failed – I can frankly recommend this app as the best application for VoIP.

My friend recommended me some time ago LastPass – from that moment I use it for about four years. It’s the only one program in which I keep all my passwords; I use it both on PC and iPhone. This application really makes my life easier now.

When the postman passes by the letter box or washing machine finishes its work, I get push notification on my smartphone. Custom notifications for EVERYTHING – what more can be said?

I don’t want to advertise eBay here, but it’s probably the only online shop, in which I can get everything I want. I use this app almost everyday.

This application can calculate almost everything; on my studies it’s been the most used app ever. I’m thankful the author that he created such a powerful application.
Boxcar 2

For a long time I had been looking for a comfortable and simple RSS reader and I finally – I found it. Boxcar is IMHO the best one – it has push notifications about new articles. I just wanna encourage you to try it.
OpenVPN Connect

When I’m using public hotspots, I care about my privacy – so thanks to the application OpenVPN I can safely connect to my server and use the internet just like I was at home.
Google Maps

I owe a lot to Google Maps – this application allows me to search for a place in a foreign land (or even in my city) and not to get lost there. If it didn’t exist, I would be lost almost everyday. Thanks, Google!

A new, innovative bank that has more capabilities than common banks, option of fast paying and withdrawing money in groceries by bar code that you can generate in your smartphone. When you’ve got that bar code, the only thing is to give to cashier. There are also no fees for taking money from ATMs wherever you are. I would really recommend checking this bank to anyone.

For those, who are interested in Bitcoin, I can recommend CoinBase – it’s quick and easy way to buy and sell bitcoins, all you have to do ist just to connect your bank account or credit card – that’s it. Isn’t it easy?

As we know, everyone needs some time to relax – and music is the best way to do this. I have been using Spotify since two years and it’s the only application I use everyday for several hours. I’ve tested Apple Music, but I’d rather keep listening to music on Spotify instead of on that fruity app.

Every single time I have, I spend on Netflix. Year ago I watched all the seasons of Dr. Who in only two weeks. No, I’m not a nolife! Maybe a bit… How much?
The Room 1,2 and 3

A wonderful puzzle game in which you can really feel the atmosphere and a great way to spend the evenings with a smartphone in your hands(no, you’re not gonna be nolife like me).